gsl/ /ChangeLog / /NEWS /configure. ...
Thu Aug 5 00:20:00 GMT 1999

CVSROOT:	/cvs/gsl
Module name:	gsl
Changes by:	99/08/05 00:20:42

Modified files:
	.              : ChangeLog NEWS 
	randist        : ChangeLog 
Added files:
	.              : THANKS 

Log message:
	1999-08-05  Mark Galassi  <>
	* added a + to the version, indicating that any
	snapshots made from anonymous CVS in this state should be
	interpreted as "after 0.4.1 and before the next version", and no
	other promises.
	* THANKS: added this THANKS file.  We appreciate all patches from
	people on the net, even those which are too small to warrant
	adding the author to the AUTHORS file.  The THANKS file should
	include everyone who sent in patches.  They should also be
	mentioned in the ChangeLog entry.

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