GNATS 3.113 released

Jason Molenda
Sun Nov 7 22:10:00 GMT 1999

The gnats 3.113 release is now ready for use.  You can get it from

The files are:

      31575 Nov  7 21:04 gnats-3.112.1-3.113.diff.bz2
     975060 Nov  7 21:21 gnats-3.113.tar.bz2
    1200184 Nov  7 21:21 gnats-3.113.tar.gz

The md5s are:

e46f275f39d3b1a084b0d2f25f7a5a34  gnats-3.112.1-3.113.diff.bz2
7dd3b4477819733db00b7e1a89b7f812  gnats-3.113.tar.bz2
cb1f3424c4372665b6204783dcc6984f  gnats-3.113.tar.gz

If you're using 3.111 or 3.112.1, you should definitely upgrade to
3.113.  If you hate upgrading and your current installation is working
well, you may want to wait a bit.  I will definitely be releasing at
least one more small bugfix 3.x release to pick up some of the
outstanding reported problems.

Below is the text from the gnats/BETA entry for this release.

Jason Molenda


This release fixes a number of small bugs that remained in the 3.112
release.  We're working towards a final stable 3.x release--there are
probably one or two more 3.x releases to go to catch the last few small

The main problem addressed in 3.113 is a bug where the Resent-Cc
generated by gnats did not put commas between addresses.  The result
was that e-mail notifications about PRs were not delivered correctly.

Gnatsweb has been upgraded to v2.5.  tkgnats has been upgraded to v3.0.14.

The following PRs in the gnats database are fixed with 3.113:

     gnats/6   gnats/8   gnats/11   gnats/13   gnats/17

The following people helpfully provided patches for this release:

  Darrin B. Jewell <>
  Martti Kuparinen <>
  Andreas Luik <>
  Palle Girgensohn <>

Thanks everyone!

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