GNATS 3.110 released

Paul Traina
Thu Apr 8 22:54:00 GMT 1999

The Official GNATS homepage is now:

This release is primarily a bug-fix release off of 3.108, with some
relatively minor new features and portability fixes.  There was no
3.109 due to some early code accidently leaking out.  See the
gnats/ChangeLog file for details.

The bigest news was actually down in the contrib/ directory --

Matt Gerassimoff and Ken Cox has provided an absolutely fantastic
WWW based front end to GNATS called gnatsweb which supports all
the new features, such as multiple databases and customized fields.
We've dropped the CERN WWW gnats and Dan's wwwgnats packages out
of the distribution since they were not being maintained by the
authors and no longer worked with later versions of GNATS.

For users of the Juniper web-based reports, I've made some major
improvements in the query/report generation interface, and will
either be stealing some of Matt & Ken's ideas for stored reports,
or hooking in an alternate report generation mechanism into the
existing gnatsweb.


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