Custom types in target description XMLs

Shahab Vahedi
Tue Jul 13 19:08:54 GMT 2021


I have difficulties defining a custom register type in a target
description XML format. For the sake of argument, consider the
32-bit register below with it's own contrived fields:

bit:   31     ...     11  10  9   8  7  ...  0
      | dont_care_field | g | u | b | version |

I've come up with two definitions. One uses the "flag" and the
other uses the "struct" type. However, both have their issues
in representing the correct values. The definitions are as

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!DOCTYPE feature SYSTEM "gdb-target.dtd">
<feature name="org.gnu.gdb.arc.fpu">
  <flags id="flag_type" size="4">
    <field name="version" start="0"  end="7"  type="int" />
    <field name="b"       start="8"  end="8"  type="bool"/>
    <field name="u"       start="9"  end="9"  type="bool"/>
    <field name="g"       start="10" end="10" type="bool"/>
    <field name=""        start="11" end="31"            />
  <struct id="struct_type" size="4">
    <field name="version" start="0"  end="7"  type="int" />
    <field name="b"       start="8"  end="8"  type="bool"/>
    <field name="u"       start="9"  end="9"  type="bool"/>
    <field name="g"       start="10" end="10" type="bool"/>
    <field name=""        start="11" end="31"            />
  <reg name="f_reg" bitsize="32" type="flag_type"/>
  <reg name="s_reg" bitsize="32" type="struct_type"/>

The value reported by GDBstub (QEMU) is 0x1337 for both registers:

0  x   1    3    3    7
     0001 0011 0011 0111

version: 0x37 (55)
b: true
u: true
g: false

However, this is how GDB prints them:

---------------------- [ gdb ] ----------------------
(gdb) info reg $f_reg
f_reg          0x1337              [ version=0 b u ]

Here, while "$f_reg" holds the correct value (0x1337), the
"version" field is 0 instead of 55. "b", "u", and "g" fields
are inferred correctly though.

---------------------- [ gdb ] ----------------------
(gdb) info reg $s_reg
s_reg          {
  version = 0x37,
  b = 0xff,
  u = 0xff,
  g = 0x0
} {
  version = 55,
  b = -1,
  u = -1,
  g = false

The register with struct type on the other hand, interprets
"version" correctly while misjudging the "boolean" fields that
are set.

Am I doing something wrong or this could be a bug in parsing?
If latter is the case, I will dive into the code to find the
root cause. I just need someone to confirm it first.


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