ymm register error

Paul Topley paul.topley@calnexsol.com
Tue Jul 17 11:44:00 GMT 2018

When trying to run gdb server on a skylake-x HEDT platform (i9-7940X) I encounter the following error:

regcache.c:264: A problem internal to GDBserver has been detected.
Unknown register ymm0h requested

>From what I can tell from furious googling is that the ymm registers have changed location from broadwell-e to skylake-x.

I can see references to the ymm registers in gdb's codebase, with apparent positioning related to features like org.gnu.gdb.i386.avx & org.gnu.gdb.i386.avx512.

Being a complete novice around gdb's codebase, I'm not sure if I need to enable or state something at configure stage so that the right ymm register location is referenced.

gdb server 8 in ubuntu bionics repos works OK on the skylake-x platform, but when I compile myself it does not.

Is there something specific I need to be stating at compile time to "get" gdbserver 8 to work on skylake-x


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