Reverse-debugging with Intel PT not working

Jack Henschel
Mon Aug 21 14:48:00 GMT 2017


I'm running Linux 4.9.30 (Debian Stretch), with GDB 8.0 (compiled from source, with './configure --with-intel-pt'). libipt is present and gdb is linked against it.
I'm running an Intel Xeon CPU E5-2680 v4 (which supports Intel PT, the flag is also present in '/proc/cpuinfo').

However, when I'm trying to do a record-and-play session, I get the error message "Target does not support branch tracing":
$ gcc -g crash.c
$ gdb -q ./a.out
(gdb) start
(gdb) record btrace pt
Target does not support branch tracing.

Any idea why this happens?
I have seen and my setup fullfills are requirements.


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