Fwd: Time when the Heap snapshot is taken when dumping Core

Pedro Alves palves@redhat.com
Wed Jul 30 14:52:00 GMT 2014

On 07/25/2014 04:23 PM, Abhishek Karoliya wrote:

> My question is:
> A) Is my theory correct?

It's plausible at least.  Though I'd suspect a simpler
explanation is more likely.

> B) Am I right in presuming that the heap memory snapshot is not taken
> at the time crash (signal being raised) but at in the final moments of
> the process?
> C) Address/location that caused a SIGSEGV can still be used (by other threads)?

Both correct, though if you don't have a SIGSEGV handler, the race
window is very narrow.

Pedro Alves

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