ChangeLogs in commit messages

Sergio Durigan Junior
Thu Aug 14 19:04:00 GMT 2014

On Thursday, August 14 2014, Joel Brobecker wrote:

> No, I strongly object to #5. The ChangeLog entries are part of
> the email to be sent along with the patch to be reviewed, We had
> that discussion many many years ago, and at the time, people
> wanted the CL entry in the email, rather than as a diff.

On Thursday, August 14 2014, Joel Brobecker wrote:

> Again, I do think that having the CL entry in the commit message is
> useful, and I disagree with the idea of removing it from there.
> Imagine you are scanning the past changes, looking for what might
> have caused a behavior change. When using "git log", having the CL
> in there often helps.

Being the maintainer of GDB for RHEL, and having to deal with many
patches to backport, I second what Joel said.

I prefer CL messages to be included in the commit message (a la option
#1 in Gary's message), and I strongly prefer to have a good explanation
of what the patch does in the message too.


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