varargs in TUI defined functions ?

Martin Oberhuber
Wed May 26 08:31:00 GMT 2010

As a gdb commandline (text UI) user, I want to define a command that can take a variable number of arguments. I want to use this to create wrapper scripts for common operations. Example:

    # Simplified "run" convenience function
    define r
        if (0 == $argc)
            run -port default
            run $arg*
This request is old, I found a reference in the mailing list archives from
But at the moment there seems to be still no solution according to latest 
At the moment, there is $argc and $arg0 ... $arg9, but what I'm missing
is a builtin convenience variable that holds the entire list of arguments.
Syntax could be any of
   $argv    (like in C main())
   $args    (like in C va_args)
   $*       (like in Shellscripts)
   $arg*    (mixture of $arg and *)
I have been told that somewhere out in the wild there is a patch providing the "$*" and "$#" convenience variables as a gdb extension, but could not find this anywhere. Could anybody point me at places to look at, or provide any background information?

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