gdbserver "load" command

Venkata Subbarao
Mon May 17 07:38:00 GMT 2010


I am trying to debug a i386 program using gdb. All I wanted to do is
to run gdbserver without the binary file and load the program using
"load" command. So following were the steps followed by me. I request
you to help me in this regard.

I have downloaded and installed GNU debugger. I ran the gdbserver as follows.

gdbserver --multi :9999

Then I ran the gdb client and tried to load the program using the
following command

gdb> target remote :9999
(This resulted in error The target is not running (try
extended-remote?). So I had to use the following command)
gdb> target extended-remote :9999
gdb> load

This printed following error.
Loading section .interp, size 0x13 lma 0x8048114
Load failed

I have following questions:

1) What is the difference between gdbserver and gdb stub ?
2) How can i load a program dynamically using "load" command in gdb ?

I kindly request you to help me in this regard.

Thanks in advance,

-- Subbarao.

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