Breakpoint not hit because of function pointers or something similar
Tom Tromey
Mon May 10 19:27:00 GMT 2010
>>>>> "Anton" == Anton MOUKHARSKI <> writes:
Anton> I am trying to hit a breakpoint that appears early in the code, but
Anton> gdb (ddd) misses it each time. At first I thought it was because of
Anton> templates, but gdb seems to cope with that. I have a code similar to
Anton> this one (C++, don't read it in detail at first) :
It would be helpful if you mentioned your gdb version, your platform,
and exactly what you tried in gdb.
Anton> So is there anyway to tell gdb that I don't wan't a breakpoint
Anton> relative to a linenumber in a source file or a simple function name
Anton> but to the instance of the right function, or maybe to use brutal
Anton> memory addresses.... anyway something to avoid stepping into the code
Anton> 50000 times.
Anton> Any ideas?
You can try putting a breakpoint on the particular template
instantiation you care about. I'm not completely sure this is what
you're asking, though.
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