[ARI] Status of ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED in gdb sources

Pierre Muller pierre.muller@ics-cnrs.unistra.fr
Tue May 4 13:49:00 GMT 2010

  The Awk Regression Index page:

Only has one Critical entry at top before the big table:

BUG ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED with 18 occurences.
Description is:
	Do not use ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, do not bother (GDB is compiled with
-Werror and, consequently, is not able to tolerate false warnings. Since
-Wunused-param produces such warnings, neither that warning flag nor

  Is this comment still valid, from the compiler point of view?
Does gcc still have such problems?

  If yes, is it OK if I remove all
ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED from sources?
  If no, shouldn't we change that policy?

Pierre Muller
as ARI maintainer for GDB

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