how to source level debug if I cannot see source embedded in elf file

Mon Nov 23 00:04:00 GMT 2009

Dear all:
If my tool chain cannot generate elf file without source embedded even
I compile them with "-g", can I do the source level debugging?

one of my toolchain cannot generate elf file with source embedded in,
I cannot see source code with "objdump -S testprogram.elf|less", but I
can see the function name in the file as the end of letter.

If I can do the source level debug, is there any setting or file I
have to generate?
appreciate your help,

/* source codes not embedded in the elf*/
80000298 <main>:
80000298:	27bdffd8 	addiu	sp,sp,-40
8000029c:	afbf0024 	sw	ra,36(sp)
800002a0:	afbe0020 	sw	s8,32(sp)
800002a4:	03a0f021 	move	s8,sp
800002a8:	24020017 	li	v0,23
800002ac:	afc20018 	sw	v0,24(s8)
800002b0:	24020020 	li	v0,32
800002b4:	afc20014 	sw	v0,20(s8)
800002b8:	2402002c 	li	v0,44
800002bc:	afc20010 	sw	v0,16(s8)
800002c0:	8fc30018 	lw	v1,24(s8)
800002c4:	8fc20014 	lw	v0,20(s8)
800002c8:	00621821 	addu	v1,v1,v0
800002cc:	8fc20010 	lw	v0,16(s8)
800002d0:	00621021 	addu	v0,v1,v0
800002d4:	afc20018 	sw	v0,24(s8)
800002d8:	24040100 	li	a0,256
800002dc:	0c0000d8 	jal	80000360 <malloc>
800002e0:	00000000 	nop
800002e4:	afc2001c 	sw	v0,28(s8)
800002e8:	0c00009e 	jal	80000278 <newline>
800002ec:	00000000 	nop
800002f0:	03c0e821 	move	sp,s8
800002f4:	8fbf0024 	lw	ra,36(sp)
800002f8:	8fbe0020 	lw	s8,32(sp)
800002fc:	27bd0028 	addiu	sp,sp,40

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