Python Scripting Question

Tom Tromey
Mon Nov 9 21:12:00 GMT 2009

>>>>> "Arjun" == Arjun Roy <> writes:

Arjun> It looks as though the two main things this would need would be to:

Arjun> 1. Be able to access the output one gets from executing a GDB command.
Arjun> Ideally one would get an object with various fields filled in based on
Arjun> the type of command, but for my purposes even a string would do - as
Arjun> long as the results can be accessed somehow.

Yeah, this has been on our wish-list for a while.

Basically we need to let python create two kinds of new ui-out objects:
one that writes the output to a python string, and another that is
mi-like and creates new python objects in response to output.

I have a tiny bit of code working toward this direction, but I never
finished it.

Arjun> 2. Some python objects for representing the current execution
Arjun> state of the program, where one could call methods for
Arjun> determining what's going on.

The SoC project addressed part of this.  See the archer list archives
for information.

Arjun> How easy to hack in would this be?

I don't think anything here is too difficult; it just requires someone
to actually do it.


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