-stack-list-locals and children

Vladimir Prus vladimir@codesourcery.com
Mon Jun 29 16:40:00 GMT 2009

Pawel Piech wrote:

> Nick Roberts wrote:
>> Note that -stack-list-locals --simple-values _does_ give type information and,
>> if this is presented to the user, he can usually infer the number of children.
>> In the manual:
>>      -stack-list-locals --simple-values
>>      ^done,locals=[{name="A",type="int",value="1"},
>>        {name="B",type="int",value="2"},{name="C",type="int [3]"}]
>>      (gdb)                                             ^^^^^^^
> No kidding!  2 more questions then:
> - does stack-list-args support the --simple-values option?

Does not seem so. In fact, it does not seem like -stack-list-locals support if
either ;-). Both take an integer parameter though, passing '2' for it should
cause only simple values to be printed.

> - how long has this feature been around?

Which? Printing types? I believe it was around for approximately -1 day.
However, please be advised that parsing types is very bad idea.

- Volodya

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