-stack-list-locals and children

Nick Roberts nickrob@snap.net.nz
Mon Jun 29 11:49:00 GMT 2009

 > > Also, is -stack-list-locals any better here? I'd expect it to either have
 > > exactly the same performance problems, or ignore pretty-printing. If it
 > > is considerably faster while still reporting 1000 children, it's performance
 > > bug somewhere.
 > It's much faster. I get about 100 children in the value followed by ....

I think the limit is 200 (show print elements) but if elements repeat themselves
(generally 0) an ellipsis is used.

Presumably it's much faster because -stack-list-locals just prints/dumps out the
values while variable objects allow you to edit, change format, expand, list
changed values etc...

Nick                                           http://www.inet.net.nz/~nickrob

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