MI register groups

Marc Khouzam marc.khouzam@ericsson.com
Mon Jun 15 18:44:00 GMT 2009


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Genly [mailto:chgenly@gmail.com] 
> Sent: June-15-09 2:41 PM
> To: Marc Khouzam
> Cc: gdb@sourceware.org
> Subject: Re: MI register groups
> Yes I saw that.  Thanks.  You are right that it would 
> probably be easier.  But I'd prefer to contribute to the 
> Eclipse DSF project rather than having to apply patches to my 
> source every time a new DSF is released.  I'm hoping in the 
> long run defining register groups in MI and providing patches 
> to the DSF people will be less work.  We'll see.  I may regret it. :-)

That would be most welcome.
And I now realized that -your- debugger must support register groups.
I missed that on the first email, and thought you wanted to use GDB.

> On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 11:24 AM, Marc Khouzam 
> <marc.khouzam@ericsson.com> wrote:
> 	> -----Original Message-----
> 	> From: gdb-owner@sourceware.org
> 	> [mailto:gdb-owner@sourceware.org] On Behalf Of Chris Genly
> 	> Sent: June-15-09 2:10 PM
> 	> To: gdb@sourceware.org
> 	> Subject: MI register groups
> 	>
> 	> I'm working on an Eclipse interface to a debugger 
> produced by the
> 	> company I work for.  I notice Both GDB and Eclipse 
> support the concept
> 	> of register groups.  But MI does not support the 
> concept of register
> 	> groups.  I'd like to extend the MI spec to include 
> register groups.
> 	> Who would I talk to about this?
> 	Just for your knowledge, the Eclipse CDT integration of 
> GDB does provide
> 	register groups, but it seems to be done within eclipse.
> 	I didn't work on it myself, but I found this comment:
> 	 /**
> 	 * For the GDB GDBMI implementation there is only on 
> group. The GPR and FPU registers are grouped into
> 	 * one set. We are going to hard wire this set as the 
> "General Registers".
> 	 */
> 	And then everything about register groups is being done 
> without using MI or GDB.
> 	If such an approach is sufficient for you, it would be 
> much easier to get done.
> 	Marc

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