container_of equivalent in gdb-python script

Jan Kiszka
Thu Jun 11 09:51:00 GMT 2009

Tom Tromey wrote:
>>>>>> "Jan" == Jan Kiszka <> writes:
> Jan> Yeah, seen this (in the testsuite). But such objects neither have
> Jan> addresses, nor do they help with non-constant objects I'm interested in.
> Yeah.  You can use this for "offsetof" but it sounds like you wanted
> more.

Yep, essentially instantiate a gdb.Value object of arbitrary type at an
arbitrary address.

> Tom> Whoops, this seems to be undocumented.
> Jan> Not the only piece... :)
> Please report anything you think is missing.  We try very hard to
> document the entirety of the Python API; anything missing is due to an
> oversight.  I will write doc patches for anything you "don't" find ;)

I have to correct myself: Actually looking at the right documentation, I
find all the latest features described (I was probably still starring at
6.8 docs...).


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