Experiences building and using gdb 6.8 on Solaris

Paul Pluzhnikov ppluzhnikov@google.com
Thu Apr 30 05:44:00 GMT 2009

On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 5:12 PM, Frank Middleton
<f.middleton@apogeect.com> wrote:

>> I am not sure there *are* any Solaris maintainers.
> From my perspective, this is a regression from Solaris 9, where gdb
> (6.0) didn't have this problem with libXau. gdb 6.0 and later do,
> probably as of Solaris 10. I really meant Solaris libXau maintainers,

Oh, I meant "GDB maintainers for Solaris". Sorry for the confusion.

> OK, no problem; I will save the offending libXau somewhere. It obviously
> won't be (isn't) fixed in snv112 but I'll save this one as baseline anyway.

What does 'readelf -S libXau.so.6' say?

Looking at the GDB source, I think the problem may be triggered if there is
'Ddata.data' section, but no '.data' section.

Paul Pluzhnikov

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