MI: Orphaned output for core file debugging

Vladimir Prus vladimir@codesourcery.com
Tue Apr 7 19:06:00 GMT 2009

Marc Khouzam wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm working on supporting core-file debugging in DSF-GDB.
> I noticed a little bug that does _not_ affect me, but
> I thought I would bring put it out there for general
> knowledge.
> In HEAD and 6.8 (didn't try earlier), when using the -c option
> on the command-line to specify the core file, when in MI mode,
> there is a 'orphaned' frame output that is output on the first
> MI command. In the session below you can see that my first
> command is "-gdb-set confirm" and it has a frame as part
> of its output.  I ran the same command right after and got
> the proper output.
> (This does not affect me because I'm going to use "-target-select core"
> instead of the -c option.)
> I think this output may need to be in a *stopped event.
> This would be quite nice for the "-target-select core" case too,
> instead of relying on the ^connected output.
> Thanks
> Marc
>> gdb -i mi -c core.32141 a.out
> ~"GNU gdb 6.8\n"
> ~"Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n"
> ~"Program terminated with signal 5, Trace/breakpoint trap.\n"
> ~"[New process 32141]\n"
> (gdb)
> -gdb-set confirm
> ^done,frame={level="0",addr="0x080484eb",func="main",args=[],file="b.cc"
> ,fullname="/local/home/lmckhou/testing/b.cc",line="17"}
> (gdb)
> -gdb-set confirm
> ^done

thanks for report. I don't think I can look into this immediately -- can
you put it in the issue tracker so that this has some chances of a fix


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