Integrate BLCR to GDB

Michael Snyder
Mon Apr 6 20:10:00 GMT 2009

Zhiyong wrote:
> Hi,
>   If my understanding is correct, current gdb checkpoint/restart is using
> fork() and does not support multi-threading. 
>   I am interested to know if  someone has done some work to integrate BLCR
> (Berkely Lab Checkpoint/Restart ,
> into gdb? 
>   As a standalone, BLCR is quite helpful in certain debugging scenarios. But
> it is a bit hard to use with gdb , i.e. breakpoints can not be saved and
> restart is not convienent to stop at certain point etc. 
>   BLCR's limitation is it is only for Linux x86 and x86_64. It also needs to
> load kernel modules which may or may not be an issue. It is not targeting
> debugging but rather process management/fault tolerance. 

Sounds like a very interesting project.

Would you be interested in spearheading it?

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