MI consumers [was Re: FW: [MI] -break-delete with several breakpoints]

Nick Roberts nickrob@snap.net.nz
Sat May 3 10:07:00 GMT 2008

 > Please be aware that the majority of MI consumers are not on this 
 > list. 

You may be right but it is hard to know.  In the manual we say:

      The best way to avoid unexpected changes in MI that might break your
      front end is to make your project known to GDB developers and follow
      development on <gdb@sourceware.org> and <gdb-patches@sourceware.org>.

 >      What may seem nifty to the 2-3 IDE implementations that 
 > discusses MI changes here may not be easy for Apple, Wind River 
 > or the scores of other tools that have integrated with the current 
 > MI interface.

Apple have their own version of Gdb.  The only other debuggers that use GDB/MI
and which are not active on this list, that I am aware of, are Netbeans and
Nemiver.  Scores (= 40+) seems like an exaggeration.  In any case it would be
useful to be aware of them.  Can you list them here?

Nick                                           http://www.inet.net.nz/~nickrob

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