Understanding GDB frames

Maxim Grigoriev maxim@tensilica.com
Wed May 23 16:37:00 GMT 2007

> Why should we improve it this way?

I was answering abstract question how would I use "frame_id.special_addr" to improve frame ID analysis. I assumed it's been a theoretical discussion.

Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:
> On Tue, May 22, 2007 at 06:01:01PM -0700, Maxim Grigoriev wrote:
>> Anyway, doesn't it look like a reasonably inexpensive improvement ?
> Why should we improve it this way?
> I haven't seen any compelling reason.  Jim's already said that you
> can't rely on frame ID equality in all cases - this stuff is
> tricky to reason about, which is exactly why we try not to export the
> frame IDs to the MI client.

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