MI, remote protocol and error codes

Daniel Jacobowitz drow@false.org
Thu Feb 22 22:26:00 GMT 2007

On Thu, Feb 22, 2007 at 08:26:32PM +0100, Sascha wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm currently using GDB (CS 6.5) in a situation like this:
> C/C++ IDE ---[MI]---> GDB ---[Remote Protocol]---> Remote stub
> Am I right and GDB does not care at all about remote error codes (ENN reply)
> ?

I believe that's true.

> The remote stub supports breakpoints, but there are situations when a
> breakpoint has to be rejected (depending on internal state). When the stub
> replies with an error code, GDB won't resume - which is good - but it just
> reports "Protocol error: Z0 (software-breakpoint) conflicting enabled
> responses". The MI protocol does not report the error code, so the IDE does
> not get to know why the breakpoint got rejected. 

Are you sure you're replying with an error code, not with an empty
packet?  There should be no other way to get this message.

> Is there any way (or any plans) to report error codes over MI ? Or is there
> a different solution ?

There's no plan for this, but it's come up before, so something may be
necessary in the future.

Daniel Jacobowitz

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