[PATCH] MIPS sim: Add mips16e save/restore

Thiemo Seufer ths@networkno.de
Mon Aug 14 18:10:00 GMT 2006

Hello All,

the appended patch adds support for the mips16e save and restore
instructions. It also fixes some Makefile inconsistencies.

Ok to apply?


2006-08-14  Thiemo Seufer  <ths@mips.com>
            David Ung  <davidu@mips.com>

	* Makefile.in (IGEN_INCLUDE): Add missing includes for m16e.igen and
	mips3264r2.igen. Add missing dependency rules.
	* m16e.igen: Support for mips16e save/restore instructions.

Index: sim/mips/Makefile.in
RCS file: /cvs/src/src/sim/mips/Makefile.in,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -p -r1.11 Makefile.in
--- sim/mips/Makefile.in	14 Dec 2005 23:07:56 -0000	1.11
+++ sim/mips/Makefile.in	14 Aug 2006 16:29:39 -0000
@@ -92,12 +92,14 @@ IGEN_DC=$(srcdir)/mips.dc
 	$(srcdir)/m16.igen \
+	$(srcdir)/m16e.igen \
 	$(srcdir)/mdmx.igen \
 	$(srcdir)/mips3d.igen \
 	$(srcdir)/sb1.igen \
 	$(srcdir)/tx.igen \
 	$(srcdir)/vr.igen \
 	$(srcdir)/dsp.igen \
+	$(srcdir)/mips3264r2.igen \
 # NB:	Since these can be built by a number of generators, care
 #	must be taken to ensure that they are only dependant on
@@ -184,8 +186,15 @@ support.o: sim-main.h support.c $(SIM_EX
 idecode.o: sim-main.h idecode.c $(SIM_EXTRA_DEPS)
 itable.o: sim-main.h itable.c $(SIM_EXTRA_DEPS)
+m16_semantics.o: sim-main.h m16_semantics.c $(SIM_EXTRA_DEPS)
+m16_support.o: sim-main.h m16_support.c $(SIM_EXTRA_DEPS)
+m16_idecode.o: sim-main.h m16_idecode.c $(SIM_EXTRA_DEPS)
+m16_icache.o: sim-main.h m16_icache.c $(SIM_EXTRA_DEPS)
+m32_semantics.o: sim-main.h m32_semantics.c $(SIM_EXTRA_DEPS)
+m32_support.o: sim-main.h m32_support.c $(SIM_EXTRA_DEPS)
+m32_idecode.o: sim-main.h m32_idecode.c $(SIM_EXTRA_DEPS)
+m32_icache.o: sim-main.h m32_icache.c $(SIM_EXTRA_DEPS)
 	m16_icache.h \
Index: sim/mips/m16e.igen
RCS file: /cvs/src/src/sim/mips/m16e.igen,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -p -r1.1 m16e.igen
--- sim/mips/m16e.igen	16 Jun 2005 15:15:49 -0000	1.1
+++ sim/mips/m16e.igen	14 Aug 2006 16:29:39 -0000
@@ -103,3 +103,267 @@
   RA = NIA;
   NIA = GPR[TRX];
+// format routines for save/restore
+:%s::::RAS:int ras
+  static char buf[10];
+  buf[0] = '\0';
+  if (ras & 4)
+    strcat (buf,"ra,");
+  if (ras & 2)
+    strcat (buf,"s0,");
+  if (ras & 1)
+    strcat (buf,"s1,");
+  return (buf);
+:%s::::XSREGS:int xsregs
+  if (xsregs > 6)
+    return "s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,";
+  if (xsregs > 5)
+    return "s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,";
+  if (xsregs > 4)
+    return "s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,";
+  if (xsregs > 3)
+    return "s2,s3,s4,s5,";
+  if (xsregs > 2)
+    return "s2,s3,s4,";
+  if (xsregs > 1)
+    return "s2,s3,";
+  if (xsregs > 0)
+    return "s2,";
+  return "";
+:%s::::AREGS:int aregs
+  // Fixme: how is the arg/static distinction made by the assembler?
+  static const char * const aregstr[16] = {
+    "",
+    "A3,",
+    "A2,A3,",
+    "A1,A2,A3,",
+    "A0,A1,A2,A3,",
+    "a0,",
+    "a0,A3,",
+    "a0,A2,A3,",
+    "a0,A1,A2,A3,",
+    "a0,a1,",
+    "a0,a1,A3,",
+    "a0,a1,A2,A3,",
+    "a0,a1,a2,",
+    "a0,a1,a2,A3,",
+    "?,"
+  };
+  return aregstr[aregs];
+:compute:::int:SFRAME:FS:((FS == 0) ? 128 \: (FS << 3))
+:compute:::int:BFRAME:FSHI,FSLO:(((FSHI << 4) | FSLO) << 3)
+:function:::void:do_save:int xsregs, int aregs, int ras0s1, int framesize
+  unsigned_word temp;    
+  int args, astatic;
+  temp = GPR[29];
+  /* writes are in the same order as the hardware description... */
+  switch (aregs) {
+  case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 11:
+    args = 0;
+    break;
+  case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7:
+    args = 1;
+    break;
+  case 8: case 9: case 10:
+    args = 2;
+    break;
+  case 12: case 13:
+    args = 3;
+    break;
+  case 14:
+    args = 4;
+    break;
+  default:
+    sim_engine_abort (SD, CPU, CIA, "save: aregs=%d causes unpredictable results\n", aregs);
+  }
+  if (args > 0) {
+    do_store (SD_, AccessLength_WORD, temp, 0, GPR[4]); 
+    if (args > 1) {
+      do_store (SD_,AccessLength_WORD, temp, 4 , GPR[5]); 
+      if (args > 2) {
+	do_store (SD_,AccessLength_WORD, temp, 8 , GPR[6]); 
+	if (args > 3) {
+	  do_store (SD_,AccessLength_WORD, temp, 12, GPR[7]);
+	}
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (ras0s1 & 4)
+    do_store (SD_,AccessLength_WORD, temp -= 4, 0, GPR[31]); 
+  switch (xsregs) {
+  case 7:
+    do_store (SD_,AccessLength_WORD, temp -= 4, 0, GPR[30]); 
+  case 6:
+    do_store (SD_,AccessLength_WORD, temp -= 4, 0, GPR[23]); 
+  case 5:
+    do_store (SD_,AccessLength_WORD, temp -= 4, 0, GPR[22]); 
+  case 4:
+    do_store (SD_,AccessLength_WORD, temp -= 4, 0, GPR[21]); 
+  case 3:
+    do_store (SD_,AccessLength_WORD, temp -= 4, 0, GPR[20]); 
+  case 2:
+    do_store (SD_,AccessLength_WORD, temp -= 4, 0, GPR[19]); 
+  case 1:
+    do_store (SD_,AccessLength_WORD, temp -= 4, 0, GPR[18]); 
+  }
+  if (ras0s1 & 1)
+    do_store (SD_,AccessLength_WORD, temp -= 4, 0, GPR[17]); 
+  if (ras0s1 & 2)
+    do_store (SD_,AccessLength_WORD, temp -= 4, 0, GPR[16]); 
+  switch (aregs) {
+  case 0: case 4: case 8: case 12: case 14:
+    astatic = 0;
+    break;
+  case 1: case 5: case 9: case 13:
+    astatic = 1;
+    break;
+  case 2: case 6: case 10:
+    astatic = 2;
+    break;
+  case 3: case 7:
+    astatic = 3;
+    break;
+  case 11:
+    astatic = 4;
+    break;
+  default:
+    sim_engine_abort (SD, CPU, CIA, "save: aregs=%d causes unpredictable results\n", aregs);
+  }
+  if (astatic > 0) {
+    do_store (SD_, AccessLength_WORD, temp -= 4, 0, GPR[7]);
+    if (astatic > 1) {
+      do_store (SD_, AccessLength_WORD, temp -= 4, 0, GPR[6]);
+      if (astatic > 2) {
+	do_store (SD_, AccessLength_WORD, temp -= 4, 0, GPR[5]);
+	if (astatic > 3) {
+	  do_store (SD_, AccessLength_WORD, temp -= 4, 0, GPR[4]);
+	}
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  GPR[29] -= framesize;
+"save %s<RAS>,<SFRAME>"
+  do_save (SD_, 0, 0, RAS, SFRAME);
+11110,3.XSREGS,4.FSHI,4.AREGS + 01100,100,1,3.RAS,4.FSLO:EXT-I8:16::SAVE
+"save %s<RAS>%s<XSREGS>%s<AREGS><BFRAME>"
+  do_save (SD_, XSREGS, AREGS, RAS, BFRAME);
+:function:::void:do_restore:int xsregs, int aregs, int ras0s1, int framesize
+  unsigned_word temp, temp2;    
+  int astatic;
+  temp = GPR[29] + framesize;
+  temp2 = temp;
+  /* reads are in the same order as the hardware description... */
+  if (ras0s1 & 4)
+    GPR[31] = EXTEND32 (do_load(SD_, AccessLength_WORD, temp -= 4, 0));
+  switch (xsregs) {
+  case 7:
+    GPR[30] = EXTEND32 (do_load (SD_,AccessLength_WORD, temp -= 4, 0)); 
+  case 6:
+    GPR[23] = EXTEND32 (do_load (SD_,AccessLength_WORD, temp -= 4, 0)); 
+  case 5:
+    GPR[22] = EXTEND32 (do_load (SD_,AccessLength_WORD, temp -= 4, 0)); 
+  case 4:
+    GPR[21] = EXTEND32 (do_load (SD_,AccessLength_WORD, temp -= 4, 0)); 
+  case 3:
+    GPR[20] = EXTEND32 (do_load (SD_,AccessLength_WORD, temp -= 4, 0)); 
+  case 2:
+    GPR[19] = EXTEND32 (do_load (SD_,AccessLength_WORD, temp -= 4, 0)); 
+  case 1:
+    GPR[18] = EXTEND32 (do_load (SD_,AccessLength_WORD, temp -= 4, 0)); 
+  }
+  if (ras0s1 & 1)
+    GPR[17] = EXTEND32 (do_load (SD_,AccessLength_WORD, temp -= 4, 0)); 
+  if (ras0s1 & 2)
+    GPR[16] = EXTEND32 (do_load (SD_,AccessLength_WORD, temp -= 4, 0)); 
+  switch (aregs) {
+  case 0: case 4: case 8: case 12: case 14:
+    astatic = 0;
+    break;
+  case 1: case 5: case 9: case 13:
+    astatic = 1;
+    break;
+  case 2: case 6: case 10:
+    astatic = 2;
+    break;
+  case 3: case 7:
+    astatic = 3;
+    break;
+  case 11:
+    astatic = 4;
+    break;
+  default:
+    sim_engine_abort (SD, CPU, CIA, "save: aregs=%d causes unpredictable results\n", aregs);
+  }
+  if (astatic > 0) {
+    GPR[7] = EXTEND32 (do_load (SD_,AccessLength_WORD, temp -= 4, 0));
+    if (astatic > 1) {
+      GPR[6] = EXTEND32 (do_load (SD_,AccessLength_WORD, temp -= 4, 0));
+      if (astatic > 2) {
+	GPR[5] = EXTEND32 (do_load (SD_,AccessLength_WORD, temp -= 4, 0));
+	if (astatic > 3) {
+	  GPR[4] = EXTEND32 (do_load (SD_,AccessLength_WORD, temp -= 4, 0));
+	}
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  GPR[29] = temp2;
+"restore %s<RAS>,<SFRAME>"
+  do_restore (SD_,0,0,RAS,SFRAME);
+11110,3.XSREGS,4.FSHI,4.AREGS + 01100,100,0,3.RAS,4.FSLO:EXT-I8:16::RESTORE
+"restore %s<RAS>%s<XSREGS>%s<AREGS><BFRAME>"
+  do_restore (SD_,XSREGS,AREGS,RAS,BFRAME);

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