Display libc function names instead of address ?

Victor STINNER victor.stinner@haypocalc.com
Thu Jun 16 03:36:00 GMT 2005


I woud like to know if it is possible to display libc functions name
instead of their address. Example :

(1) (...) // prepare parameters
    call 0x8048728

(2) jmp *0x804a6b0 // in relocation table, at 0x08048728

And if I do a "objdump -R file | grep 0x804a6b0", it answers printf. So
is it possible to display "call printf" instead of "call 0x8048728" ? Or
at least display "jmp *<printf>" instead of "jmp *0x804a6b0" ?

I think that gdb can already read relocation table because "print
printf" command give me the function address.

I hope that it's just an option :-)

Bye, Haypo

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