stack corruption?

Mark Kettenis
Tue Jun 14 21:24:00 GMT 2005

   Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2005 16:52:12 -0400
   From: Louis LeBlanc <>
   BTW, I've seen problems in several applications while performing
   network lookups, not just my code, and not just C programs.  I got a
   couple created by Perl scripts a couple weeks ago and they were also
   in the middle of network lookups.  This makes me skeptical of the
   system libs, not my code and not gcc.  The real problem is that gdb
   tells me nothing useful in these cases, unless the corrupt stack
   message is a real issue with my code.

But unless you're going to send us a transcript of your debug session
with the *exact* messages, we won't be able to help you.


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