Failed breakpoint for C++ in gdb

Alain Magloire
Fri Jul 29 15:20:00 GMT 2005

> It's completely at the whim of the compiler.  Whatever strings the
> compiler has put in the debug information, those are the ones GDB will
> use in symbol names.  It varies between GCC versions; I believe it also
> varies between formats.

And the good news kept coming ;-(

On the same topic:

void String::check(int i) const
	if (i<0 || rep->sz<=i) throw Range();

int main() { ... }

(gdb) b String::check(int) const
Function "String::check(int)" not defined.
Make breakpoint pending on future shared library load? (y or [n]) n
(gdb) b "String::check(int) const"
Function "String::check(int)" not defined.
Make breakpoint pending on future shared library load? (y or [n]) n
(gdb) b 'String::check(int) const'
Breakpoint 1 at 0x4015bc: file 100992.cpp, line 150.

I'm curious to know why ("") double quotes are not working, but single quote
seems to do the job.  This is particular disturbing in the MI protocol where
it is clearly stated options/arguments containing spaces must be surrounded
with double quotes.

Anyway just curious, this was sent by the folks from MontaVista 8-). It is
too late for the front to deal with it, but for the next version, is this PR
(bugzilla/gnats) material?

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