Failed breakpoint for C++ in gdb

Alain Magloire
Thu Jul 28 21:39:00 GMT 2005

> >
> > Is the "const char *" vs. "char const *" example consistent in GDB i.e.
> can
> > I assume this and do some mangling on my own to satisfy the pickiness of
> > GDB?
> This is not GDB's pickiness.

Agreed, but for the user, with code source like this foobar(const char *p);
and then having the debugger insisting on only accepting foobar(char const
*p) for breakpoint is ... heu ... bizarre.

> It is following whatever the compiler has
> specified in debug information.  You could still query GDB for the
> overloads in some fashion, I expect, but I don't know for sure.

That may not be possible (the query) for the front-end.  Let me ask you
rephrase the question, is this behavior dependent of the type of debug info?
i.e. if I use dwarf-2 vs. stabs++, GDB will not refuse "char const *" I can
work around this if the behavior is consistent.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback.

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