Step into shared-library code of attached process
Yasuhiro Endoh
Mon Jul 18 16:54:00 GMT 2005
I'm trying to step into shared-library code of attached process. I can't
step into library-function at the first call. But I can step in the
function at the second call.
Can I step into library-function at the first the?
My Environments are:
CPU: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.40GHz
OS: Fedora core 3
Kernel: 2.6.12 (kernel-2.6.12-1.1372_FC3)
gdb: 6.3
The followings are sample code:
void foo() {
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char buf[128];
printf("attach me(pid=%d)> ", getpid());
fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin);
bar(); /* can't step-in */
return 0;
Here, function bar() is defined in the shared library
To step into bar, I took the followings:
1. This program prompts "attach me(pid=18130)>".
2. I attached the process with id 18130
3. I set a break point at "foo();" in main
4. I typed "info sharedlibrary"
(gdb) info sharedlibrary
>From To Syms Read Shared Object Library
0xb7f6644c 0xb7f66564 Yes /home/yendoh/link/
0x0088cc00 0x0097ccd0 Yes /lib/tls/
0x008197a0 0x0082b58f Yes /lib/
5. continued
6. The process was breakd at "foo():", I could step-in foo().
7. I tried to step into "bar();" , but I couldn't step-in.
8. I could step-in the second and third call of bar().
I attached my-program. To run the program:
1. make
2. make run
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