Queries in MI

Nick Roberts nickrob@snap.net.nz
Thu Jul 7 03:32:00 GMT 2005

 > > I'm not sure what you're suggesting, but Emacs will always want to allow
 > > CLI input through the GUD buffer which, for example, will be forwarded to
 > > GDB as:
 > > 
 > > -interpreter-exec console "b asdf"
 > Of course. Your stating the case when the user sends a command to GDB
 > and get's a query as a response. That's fine. 
 > What about the case when the FE sends a command to GDB and has to deal
 > with the query? That isn't capable with the current output. The MI
 > response would have to have the query information built into it, like,
 > -break-insert "b asdf"
 > ^done,query={choice1="...",choice2="..."}
 > FE sends->choice1
 > ...

Well "b asdf" is a CLI command, but I take your point. Currently, if asdf is
symbol that is in a shared library that is yet to be loaded, then

-break-insert asdf
&"Function \"asdf\" not defined.\n"

This is the opposite behaviour to -interpreter-exec console "b asdf"
and the same as you would you would get using CLI with "set confirm off".

 > I currently don't have a need for such a feature, but I'm just
 > suggesting that the current mechanism doesn't allow the FE to do this
 > sort of thing nicely. I'm sure it will be needed eventually.

You're suggesting a syntax.  I'm not sure what the mechanism should be,
because if GDB is made to wait for a response that might break other


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