CVS version doesn't compile (ncurses library found, but no includes)

Klaus Zeitler
Wed Jul 6 14:07:00 GMT 2005

>>>>> "Daniel" == Daniel Jacobowitz <> writes:
    Daniel> CFLAGS="-O2 -I/opt/exp/gnu/include".

CFLAGS alone didn't help, configure still wouldn't find ncurses.h, however
with CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/exp/gnu/include" configure found ncurses.h.
But then I ran into compile problems (the ncurses include dir unfortunately
also contained ansidecl.h, that was now found instead of the one that comes
with gdb). Unfortunately setting CFLAGS as above puts the additional include
dir in front of all the other include dirs.
Just out of curiosity I added the additional include dir for ncurses
at the end of INTERNAL_WARN_CFLAGS in gdb/ and together with
the setting of CPPFLAGS I could configure and compile gdb.
I also noticed that there's already a comment in configure that it may be
difficult to produce gdb with ncurses in a non-standard dir.

But then again according to Mark's response I think I'll ditch ncurses and go
with the standard curses.



|  Klaus Zeitler      Lucent Technologies  |
|  Email:     |
The probability of someone watching you is
proportional to the stupidity of your action.

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