CVS version doesn't compile (ncurses library found, but no includes)

Klaus Zeitler
Tue Jul 5 13:23:00 GMT 2005

I've had problems building the gdb CVS version. We've ncurses installed, but
not in a standard directory, i.e. in /opt/exp/gnu/lib and /opt/exp/gnu/include.
When I add /opt/exp/gnu/lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, configure finds the ncurses
library, but the configure check for ncurses.h fails. I tried adding
--includedir=/opt/exp/gnu/include to configure, but that didn't help.
How should I specify this additional include dir for the configure call?
Do I miss any important features, when I use the standard curses in
solaris 5.8 instead of ncurses?



|  Klaus Zeitler      Lucent Technologies  |
|  Email:     |
The meek shall inherit the earth - they are too weak to refuse

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