gdb suspends itself

Vladimir Prus
Tue Jul 5 11:05:00 GMT 2005

Klaus Zeitler wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm trying to debug a program with approx. 100 threads under Solaris 5.8,
> that generates lots of trace data. When I run the program under gdb,
> the first few threads are started, then gdb suspends itself and I need to
> call 'fg' to resume execution, i.e. the whole thing looks like e.g.:
> UMC1-1-> [07-05 10:05:42:981463] 0x7277b0   (tMain      ) : Initializing
> OSipc
> [6]+  Stopped                 gdb ./umc.vx
> [675]$ fg
> gdb ./umc.vx
> ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
> [New LWP 29]
> logMsg [07-05 10:20:36:924936] (nbapDemon  ) : PetDemon create Server
> socket on port 45260 ...
> The same happens with gdb 5.3. and 6.1.
> This is probably not a gdb problem, but I hope someone can give me a hint
> how I should investigate this odd behavior.


   stty -tostop

before running gdb. I had such problems because gdb sometimes tries to
output messages while not "owning" terminal. The above command tells the
terminal to not stop programs in such cases.

- Volodya

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