Using C-s to forward search command history

Dan Kegel
Sat Aug 20 17:55:00 GMT 2005

Bob Rossi wrote:
>>This is a terminal feature that interferes with your C-s use,
>>it is not a readline issue.

Bzzt.  Programs that want to accept commands like control-s
are supposed to put the terminal into raw mode.  The
readline library does this.  If it didn't work,
something's wrong.

> That's interesting. Is the (stop/start) ^s/^q feature of the terminal
> even useful these days? Why is it defaulted on?

Yes, it's useful.  I use it every other day or so when
a program is spewing lots of output; I hit ^s, then
I can scroll back without having it scroll to the
end every time the program outputs something else.
- Dan

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