What to do with info addr and location expressions

Doug Evans dje@transmeta.com
Mon Jul 21 20:35:00 GMT 2003

Daniel Berlin writes:
 > > The simplest method would be to break the code out into a separate
 > > file that lives in the binutils/ directory and which could then be
 > > compiled into either readelf or gdb.
 > I'll go one better (or worse).
 > Since we don't know the binutils directory will be around when you
 > compiel gdb, why not make the functions (which are really trivial, and
 > just large switch statements) static inline, and put them in a
 > file somewhere in include/, a directory shared by all?

[pedantic: inline conditional on gcc of course]

I'd rather not have gdb ship with ./binutils.

Why not create a new TLD named elf or dwarf or some such and include it
in binutils and gdb distributions.

I don't have an opinion on whether one would care whether this particular
directory has multiple libraries (libelf, libdwarf).
If one finds that unpalatable, call it dwarf and begin a libdwarf now
(or whatever).  It needed be all-singing/all-dancing in its first cut.

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