qL and qf remote packets [Re: [Kgdb-bugreport] Re: [discuss] kgdb-x86_64-1.6 for kernel 2.4.23]

Andrew Cagney cagney@gnu.org
Wed Dec 31 19:25:00 GMT 2003

> On Tue, Dec 30, 2003 at 06:11:29PM +0530, Amit S. Kale wrote:
>> While q[s/f] packet itself doesn't have pid wrap-around problem, I can't 
>> figure out what will happen to gdb's database of threads in following 
>> scenario.
>> 1. GDB adds a thread with id 1500 to thread database.
>> 2. It finds that the thread has died later.
>> 3. Does it delete the thread from its database?
>> 4. It again finds a thread with id 1500 becase of wrapping around of pid. If 
>> it has completely forgotten about previous thread in its dabase, there 
>> shouldn't be any problem.
> Indeed, there won't be any problem.  I believe that even if thread 1500
> exists, and then dies and restarts between breakpoints, GDB still won't
> get confused.

The user might (eventually).  They aren't going to be notified of thread 
create/delete events.  Also, it could leave around per-thread 
breakpoings no longer applicable to that thread.

However, until someone manages to present this as a real problem ...


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