Looking for a gdb function to handle alias addresses

Paul Koning pkoning@equallogic.com
Wed Dec 31 16:53:00 GMT 2003

>>>>> "Daniel" == Daniel Jacobowitz <drow@mvista.com> writes:

 >> If the latter, is another gdbarch function hook the right way?

 Daniel> Maybe.  What you're describing is very system-specific,
 Daniel> rather than architecture-specific - I realize that the basic
 Daniel> K0/K1 is a standard MIPS feature, but the details of what
 Daniel> regions alias will definitely vary based on more than the
 Daniel> gdbarch.  So perhaps it should be directly user-configurable
 Daniel> instead.

It certainly is system-specific.  The K0/K1 and also the corresponding
64-bit aliases are MIPS standard.  But in my case, I also wanted an
alias from a 64-bit unmapped address to a canonical address that's
mapped (through the user address space, no less) and that's a
programmable mapping that's specific to our target.

I wasn't thinking user-configurable because the mapping I have is
fixed for the platform, so I'd rather program it in.  My dump analyzer
already knows a whole lot of hairy details about that target
anyway... :-)  Also, a rule of the form "walk through the VM region
descriptors for a region that maps to the physical address, and take
the inverse" is hard to express in the UI.

>From what I've heard so far I'm inclined to make this a private hook,
without a lot of effort spent to make it nice & generic because it's
not likely to be generally useful/applicable.

Thanks Daniel....  any other opinions/comments would also be welcome.


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