Remote debug support in gdb for ia64 ?

Ray Bryant
Wed Dec 17 18:45:00 GMT 2003

Hmmm... Does it work to run gdb on a i386 to debug ia64 code?

Kevin Buettner wrote:
> On Dec 16,  9:38pm, Deepak Gupta wrote:
>>I am trying to use GDB to remote debug  a Linux Kernel
>>running on an IA64 Machine. I am running the GDB on an
>>i386 Machine. 
>>Does GDB have remote debugging support for an IA64
>>Machine. I could not find any file of the sort -
>>ia64-stub.c. If GDB does have support, lpease be kind
>>enough to let me know the corresponding file in the
>>GDB Source Code.
> Remote debugging of user space code (via gdbserver) used to work.
> I haven't tried it in a very long time, so I don't know if it still
> works or not.
> There is no (example) IA-64 stub file included with the GDB
> distribution.  You'll have to do this part yourself.
> Kevin
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Best Regards,
                   Ray Bryant
512-453-9679 (work)         512-507-7807 (cell)   
The box said: "Requires Windows 98 or better",
            so I installed Linux.

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