Remote Debugging on IXDP425

Stephen A. Witt
Wed Dec 3 21:50:00 GMT 2003

On Wed, 3 Dec 2003, Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 03, 2003 at 11:17:18AM -0800, Stephen A. Witt wrote:
> > Thanks very much for the response, very dumb mistake on my part. I had
> > built a gdb with an arm-linux target, but I inadvertantly used the normal
> > i386 gdb when I first tried this. Using the arm-linux gdb that I had
> > built, with the information you provided, I found that the breakpoint
> > instruction being sent was 0x01009fef. The correct bp inst for an IXP425
> > (a big-endian CPU) is 0xef9f0001. So I modified the breakpoint instruction
> > value in gdb to 0xef9f0001 and breakpoints work now.
> This is a GDB bug fixed in more recent versions of GDB.

Thanks for the response. Browsing gdb cvs I see the big endian break inst.
mod. I'll get the latest from cvs and see what happens.


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