Slow handling of C++ symbol names

Michael Elizabeth Chastain
Wed Dec 3 20:14:00 GMT 2003

mec> Here are some memory usage and time numbers.
mec>   gdb   memory  utime  stime  elapsed
mec>   5.3   263M    84.79  26.52  185.92
mec>   6.0   263M    83.17  26.45  181.04
mec>  HEAD    43M     2.78   0.27    3.23
mec> gdb HEAD is from '2003-11-30 06:08:24 UTC'.

ac> Michael, not to overload you but would it also be possible to do the 
ac> numbers on a just-before-new-mangler-mainline?

Yeah, that's pretty straightforward.

Here's a timeline on cp-demangle.c (times are from the src/ archive).

  2003-05-03  Fix typo in "std::basic_istream ... char_traints ..." [sic] 
  2003-08-12  Fix license (no code change)
  2003-08-19  Some bug fixes to old demangler by ILT
  2003-08-20  Another ILT bug fix to old demangler
  2003-08-21  New demangler

So I'll do:

  gdb HEAD 2003-11-19 16:00:00 UTC
  which is just before the bug fixes of the old demangler,
  gdb HEAD 2003-11-21 17:00:00 UTC
  which is just before the new demangler appeared in src

Michael C

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