Slow handling of C++ symbol names

Andrew Cagney
Wed Dec 3 18:52:00 GMT 2003

> Andrew Cagney writes:
>> I guess we get to restart the analysis :-(
> Sounds like a job for GDB QA Guy!  :)
> I downloaded Will's executables from:
> Here are some memory usage and time numbers.
>   gdb   memory  utime  stime  elapsed
>   5.3   263M    84.79  26.52  185.92
>   6.0   263M    83.17  26.45  181.04
>  HEAD    43M     2.78   0.27    3.23
> gdb HEAD is from '2003-11-30 06:08:24 UTC'.

Michael, not to overload you but would it also be possible to do the 
numbers on a just-before-new-mangler-mainline?  At present there's a gap 
in our knowledge - we don't know the effect that just the demangler 
change had.  Also lets us compare:

	6.0 vs PRE vs POST


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