GDB Scripts

Andrew Cagney
Tue Aug 20 19:39:00 GMT 2002

> Hello All,
> Im fairly new to GDB and the Linux environment, and was wondering if there was
> any way to set up some sort of 'script' within GDB so that when it recieves a
> particular message it performs a command. i.e. Say the program it is debugging
> recieves a SIGKILL message when GDB pauses when recieving this message, it
> would issue a command.
> Thanks for any info.

At present it is possible to attach commands to events like breakpoints 
and (if they were implemented on linux) C++ throw/catch.  Unfortunatly 
it isn't possible to use that mechanism for signals.  I think it should 
be possible though, and would be a very useful feature.


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