Debugging a DLL

Rosen Georgiev
Tue Aug 20 13:19:00 GMT 2002


I have posted this question on the minGW mailing list
but maybe this is a more proper place.

So here it goes:

I need to use GDB on a DLL (bilde with minGW)
but in the documentation i have read so far didn't
find how to.

If it should be done with the 'attach' command how do
i get
a process ID on win98. (Do DLLs have a separate ID)

The program that loads the DLL is a modal dialog. I
have downloaded it
from the net and have no source for it. I'm not sure
but maybe it wasn't
compiled with -g (when i start "gdb PROGRAM" the
welcome message ends with
"(no debugging symbols found)..." ).
And maybe because of this when i 'run' it from GDB no
can be send to the debugger. He stops at :
"Starting program: C:\gputest30/gputest.exe"
and doesn't give the prompt. When i exit the program
GDB prints :
"Program exited normally." and the prompt is back.

Please help with some info.


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