Register Groups (again)

Andrew Cagney
Sat Aug 17 22:45:00 GMT 2002

> On Sat, Aug 17, 2002 at 07:48:22PM -0400, Andrew Cagney wrote:
>> See: for the 
>> origins of this idea.
>> I'd like to propose a new object ``struct reggroup'' and a number of 
>> methods:
> Hmm, it seems more intuitive to me to have attributes for each
> register.  Float, vector, system for the register's class or group, and
> then we could have other not necessarily mutually exclusive flags. 
> Like, available in kernel or user mode.
> Just a thought though.

Sorry, I think I'm missing something.  I don't see a difference. 

>> - how it relates to frames
>> It currently assumes that the register groups are identical between 
>> frames :-/

rather than:

> With an attribute scheme, once we know which registers are present in a
> frame we'd know which (say) float registers are present in that
> frame...

Now I'm really confused.  How is this not possible using what I described?


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