RTOS awareness
Andrew Cagney
Wed Aug 14 21:22:00 GMT 2002
> Nick:
> Pardon me from providing an incomplete answer, but you may also
> consider just having some "helper functions" with your stub or
> application that provide the needed functionality via printf()
> (redirected to gdb's console, for example). You would call those
> functions from gdb's command line, rather than mucking with gdb source
> code. No gdb mods required.
> Just a thought. I think eCos (another RTOS) uses this technique.
Also look at writing a few GDB scripts. See ``printf''. No reason to
even write this in C.
> b.g.
> On Wed, Aug 07, 2002 at 11:20:19AM +1000, Nicolas Moreau wrote:
>> Hi
>> I would like to write a UCOS II (embedded RTOS) awarness module
>> for GDB to use on our embedded system.
>> What I want to display is the data structure associated with each
>> task, the display has to be in a user friendly format (no raw memory
>> dump)
>> Where can I start ?
>> How can I extend the fucntionality of UCOS ?
>> What source files should I be looking at ?
>> Thanks
>> Nick
> -- Bill Gatliff bgat@billgatliff.com
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