doing tracepoint on remote target through gdbserver

Benjamin Tze-Kit Lee
Thu Aug 8 12:25:00 GMT 2002


Sorry, but just want to make things clear.
Does that mean that the gdb feature "tracepoint" does not actually works?
Coz in order to do tracepoint, we must do that through remote
debugging.  And to do remote debugging, one can only use gdbserver or
through some sort of serial ports.  However, gdbserver does not support
tracepoint and there are no stub avalible that can do this.

So is there a way that I can test out on the tracepoint function?

Thank you very much.

Benjamin Lee

On Thu, 8 Aug 2002, Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 08, 2002 at 12:08:56PM -0700, Benjamin Tze-Kit Lee wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I am trying to do tracepoint on a program through remote target debugging.
> > Everything seems to work as I am able to do remote debugging using
> > breakpoints through gdb on the host and gdbserver on the target.  But when
> > I try to do "tstart" on the program, it gives me the message "Target does
> > not support this command.".  Is there a specific way to turn on the
> > tracepoint option when I compile gdbserver?  Or what could be the problem?
> As we said earlier, gdbserver does not support tracepoints, nor do any
> of the other stubs included with GDB.  I don't know of any that do at
> this time.
> --
> Daniel Jacobowitz                           Carnegie Mellon University
> MontaVista Software                         Debian GNU/Linux Developer

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