Output of CLI commands under --interpreter=mi

Eli Zaretskii eliz@is.elta.co.il
Sun Apr 21 22:51:00 GMT 2002

[Please don't remove Nick from the CC list: he's not subscribed to the 
mailing list.]

On Sun, 21 Apr 2002, Jim Ingham wrote:

> We did this for Apple's GDB and use with Project Builder in a slightly
> different way.  First we made interpreters switchable (so there is a "set
> interpreter" command that you can use within gdb).  When you are debugging
> MI stuff in gdb, this itself is a big bonus!  Then I added a command to the
> mi: "-interpreter-exec", which allows you to run a command as if it were run
> under another interpreter - for instance "-interpreter-exec console list".

That'd be fine, too.

> I have not yet submitted any of this because this bit is only half of a
> larger project, which is to include the Tcl interpreter from Insight as a
> third interpreter in this setup.

I think the feature of switching the intepreter is important enough and 
stand-alone enough to submit it without waiting for the rest of your 
project.  If you need a proof that it will be useful for other project, 
here came Nick and supplied it ;-)


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