operate-and-get-next is off by one

Tom Tromey tromey@redhat.com
Sun Apr 21 12:34:00 GMT 2002

>>>>> "Daniel" == Daniel Jacobowitz <drow@mvista.com> writes:

Daniel> It appears to be "operate-and-get-command-after-next" right
Daniel> now.  It's skipping every other command...

What system?  How are you invoking gdb?

I updated and rebuilt gdb from scratch on x86 Linux (RHL 6.2).
operate-and-get-next seems to work fine in my simple test:

    p 1
    p 2
    p 3
    C-n C-n C-n
    C-o C-o

If you can tell me a simple way to reproduce the problem I will look
at it.


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