Strange segfaults of gdb

Michal Ludvig
Wed Apr 17 03:12:00 GMT 2002

Michael Snyder wrote:
> Michal Ludvig wrote:
>>So it appears like the segfault happend on 'cmp <imm>,<reg>'
>>instruction, which shouldn't be able to generate any exception at all.
>>So I don't trust this information.
> Maybe it took place during the syscall, and was deferred
> until return to user space?

Yes, it was a kind of this problem that by a strange coincidence 
apperaed only in gdb. Fortunately I cannot confirm it was a gdb's 
problem and the version in 5.2 branch should be ready for release (from 
x86-64's side).

Michal Ludvig
* SuSE CR, s.r.o     *
* +420 2 9654 5373   *

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